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Den nya 90-vagnen
Är awesome! Tack tack för den =)

Däremot känner jag mig något blind som vagnschef om jag är nedluckad. Eftersom optiken är fast har jag vid ett par tillfällen försökt nyttja mig av prismorna. Dessa tycks dock i dagsläget vara väldigt lågupplösta i jämförelse med övriga PinP för mig. Höger prisma visar dessutom saker till vänster framom om vagnen, vänster bak visar nånslags rakt vänster osv. Har inte helt lyckats lista ut vart alla kameror är riktade i förvirringen. Annars otroligt smutt vagn!
Hejja hejja alla inblandade.
VART FINNS DEN!?!?!??!?!!?!??! :GrinGrinGrinGrinGrinGrinGrinGrinGrinGrin
illunctus stamus, illunctus declinemus!
"United we stand, United we fall"
SFP 2015 > Armored i SFP 0.3.5
Shock ShockShockShockShockShockOShockOOShock:ShockShockShockShockShock: brb, ska installera ARMA!
illunctus stamus, illunctus declinemus!
"United we stand, United we fall"
Den är tuff!

Hur svårt är det att lägga in nån slags gläntläge eller låg profil för vagnschefen? Vore skönt att ha lite omvärldsuppfattning utan att exponera hela torson. Eller är det onödigt svårt/jobbigt för vad det ger?
I have some feedback on the Strf 90C:

- What the guy said above. Since commander has fixed, non-movable optics, it would be cool to have option to turn out partially to have ability to command the vehicle. The PIP windows inside the vehicle are pretty useless for that.

- Also the autocannon has pretty limited depression. Elevation is fine, but using standard armored tactics (turret down, hull down etc) is impossible due to the main gun having so pitiful depression. I don't know if that is problem with Arma itself, but I wish this would be adressed. In the army I remember some lessons about the CV90 having -10 to +45 degrees depression/elevation range

Other small flaws:
- Some times firing one shot with 40mm, two shells eject
- Some times firing in any mode, the gun doesn't do the recoil animation
- The textures are pretty rough both inside and outside

Otherwise, REALLY fucking cool piece of steel that thing, I bow and kneel before the dev team.

EDIT: I noticed the BTR-60 has much better 'windows' for driver and commander. Is it possible to have these in the Strf 90C (And also future models)?


Peguus skrev:

I have some feedback on the Strf 90C:

- What the guy said above. Since commander has fixed, non-movable optics, it would be cool to have option to turn out partially to have ability to command the vehicle. The PIP windows inside the vehicle are pretty useless for that.

- Also the autocannon has pretty limited depression. Elevation is fine, but using standard armored tactics (turret down, hull down etc) is impossible due to the main gun having so pitiful depression. I don't know if that is problem with Arma itself, but I wish this would be adressed. In the army I remember some lessons about the CV90 having -10 to +45 degrees depression/elevation range

Other small flaws:
- Some times firing one shot with 40mm, two shells eject
- Some times firing in any mode, the gun doesn't do the recoil animation
- The textures are pretty rough both inside and outside

Otherwise, REALLY fucking cool piece of steel that thing, I bow and kneel before the dev team.

EDIT: I noticed the BTR-60 has much better 'windows' for driver and commander. Is it possible to have these in the Strf 90C (And also future models)?

The BTR-60 is a straight port from Arma 2.
Thanks for all the feedback! Strf90 is my personal favourite since SFP4 and I've been longing to see it in ArmA 3. The current model and textures originate from ArmA 1 so it's quite a bit old.

I've seen the double eject and sometimes no eject, we use a built in particle effect instead of custom scripting but hopefully that can be fixed.

I've changed the depression on the cannon to 10 degrees for next release Smile
the btr60 doesn't have "picture in picture", its the "primary" window, thats why they look so good.

but, it have been noted, i will try improve the commanders PiP and fix the other stuff.

The ejection shell, sorry can't do anything about it.. its BIS feature thing, all we did was specify where and what will spawn. BIS that can't count Wink