(This is a joint-op with some french players)
OP Grindstone is an operation where the swedish forces have made a joint operation with the french forces to stabilize certain areas within Altis. The locals have seen several military forces that are taking small villages and/or smaller cities. This are more bandits then military soldiers as per equipment is lighter but of course deadly.
The french forces have been doing som recon mission and know the areas well, as the swedish forces have far more personnel at the island. So a joint operation was started back in January, but it has now really started to do effect and pushing for results.
In this operation the jointOP is in full effect. The teams will be attacking a specific number of targets that has been causing alot of harm to the military targets. There are AA targets, FOBs and the final object is to clear an compound that is to be the enemy storage for vehicles. The two teams, french and swedish, must at first go to separate targets then meet up for the final compound.
At the disposal the jointOP have helicopter support and artillery support but share these supports, so a good radio communication is key.
The addons needed for this joint operation is ACRE of course but also the bundled addon pack called OP Grindstone. Within it, lies a userconfig folder, make sure it is pasted into your own folders in ARMA3. That is for the VTS resting -addon. Besides that, there is a french and a swedish mix of units and weapons.
First operations is more a test and feel for the units and we as a team together. The bigger operation is at the 9th March as of now, can be put forward if something turns up.. but for now its the 9th.
Captain (commander) - Leads as first in command, but can call the Kilo Sierra for backup info or just support help.
First Sergeant - First in command in that group where Sergeant leads its own group within.
All in command must speak english.
Major (GM)
First Sergeant