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Task Force Radio Dev
Jag funderar lite på om vi ska byta över och köra TFARs nya Dev version istället. Exempel på fördelar,
* Intercom i fordon
* Statiska radios i t.ex. basen
* Bättre prestanda
* Antenner och förstärkare
* Spectator kan lyssna på spelare
* Låg ljudnivå på TS ska vara fixat, jag blir galen snart, behöver inte ens vara ingame för att alla ska låta som en burktelefon

Uppdaterade Dev versionen kommer då finnas att hämta ner från Arma3Sync precis som vanligt, för att installera TS pluginen körs en enkel installer som ligger i mod foldern. Hoppas på att Arma3Sync ändrar sin TFAR installer till den snart.

Nedan är deras utvecklares lista på ändringar i kronologisk ordning

Dedmen - 10/24/2016
New Pre-Release! Lots of Refactoring, Optimization and stuff.
Major stuff: Analytics to measure how good the "Optimizations" really work. Deprecated a lot of Variables.
Some of the old tf_ Variables were deprecated. If you are running scripts setting variables please tell me if they still work. They should throw a warning to RPT but still work correctly. But I may have forgotten some.

Dedmen - 11/08/2016
Includes First try at Intercom.. Currently Just has intercom in every vehicle.. even Quads. Auto transmitting over intercom when using DirectSpeech.

Dedmen - 11/16/2016
New Pre-Release 141.
Fixed TS Plugin didn't support older CPU's
Added Static Radios thingy
Fixed Frequency Variables not being applied to Curators
Fixed Broken LR Radio Frequency thingy ma bob
Ans some other stuff i forgot about

Dedmen - 11/23/2016
New Pre-release 144
Intercom volume configurable in clientSide settings
Intercom can be fully disabled in serverSide settings
Added Volume setting for staticRadios
Added second intercom Channel that can be switched to using ACE Interaction menu. So crew doesn't have to listen to cargo people. By default everyone is in cargo channel

Dedmen - 11/26/2016
New pre-release 145
Fixed half-duplex... I hope...
Maybe fixed that clicky sound... Maybe not..
Fixed Ace interaction menu script error...
Fixed some other crashes i didn't notice before....

Dedmen - 11/28/2016
New pre-release 147
Fixed weird Font scaling in windowed mode
Moved all scheduled scripts to unscheduled
Fixed Plugin initializing on Briefing screen
Dedmen - 12/04/2016
New Pre-release 148
Removed diver Radios.
Improved underwater->above water signal strength calculation thingy

Dedmen - 12/04/2016
New Pre-release 149
New Airborne Radio effect
Added Settings to disable ObjectInterception and for pluginTimeout

Dedmen - 12/06/2016
New Pre-release 150
Fixed issues with Radio sounds when using a 5.1 sound system
Fixed clients Vehicle name not correctly set

Dedmen - 12/06/2016
New Pre-release 165
Fixed remote Radio sounds being played when using Radio inside Intercom capable Vehicle (Weird sound at end of transmissions)
Fixed not being able to open LR Radio settings if having 2 LR Radios available
Changed Versionnumber format to now include buildNumber
Added lower/raise Headset hotkeys

Dedmen - 12/15/2016
New Pre-release 166
Spectator Rewrite
Fixed sometimes not being able to hear people in Teamspeak
Fixed voice volume range was only 50% of what it was supposed to be
Fixed not renaming and moving back from serious channel on gameEnd
Some performance improvement on processing player positions (I didn't test how much.. And i don't really care... But code looks nicer now)

Dedmen - 12/15/2016
New Pre-release 167
Fixed Half-duplex for SR Radios (
Fixed voice Volume cutting off hard instead of fading out.

Now... Do i even want to investigate why RHS HMMVS have Intercom..... I probably want to yeah...

New Pre-release 168 (sue me)
Removed Intercom from MRAP's because that doesn't make thaat much sense.

Now that i think of it.. MRAP's are probably the base class for wheeled tanks :x :/ Let's see.. Can still do a new Pre-release :smile:
Nah.. those are APC's. I don't know why i thought MRAP's should have Intercom... Shouldn't code when tired
Dedmen - 01/16/2017
New Pre-Release 188
Added Optional Pbo that enables AI to hear players speaking
3.1 Stable support
Added OnRadioReceive Event that fires when Receiving a Radio transmission
Fixed lagspikes when having a very full backpack
General Performance Optimizations. Expect +5-15fps and no more periodical framedrops
Fixed crash when starting the Teamspeak Plugin without active Internet connection while still connected via LAN to a router
Fixed constant Falling sound when using Virtual curator and flying high in the sky
Fixed Additional Channel transmitting not working
Fixed Armed Offroad was only available in Red skin

Dedmen - 01/18/2017
New Pre-release 191
More Performance!
Also this build has profiling features enabled.. For example diag_captureFrame shows the executon time for each of TFAR's PFH and some sub functions

Dedmen - 01/19/2017
New Pre-release 193
Fixed script errors that made 191 unplayable Grin
Fixed being turned out of vehicles was being ignored and one could only hear the player as if he was fully inside the vehicle

Dedmen - 01/20/2017
New Pre-release 194
Fixed Dialog for selecting Radio when having multiple SR Radios wouldn't open Radio Settings. Like when you have 2 SR Radios and press the Settings hotkey it would open this little Green UI thingy where you can choose which Radio you want to configure.. And that would just not open the Settings Dialog because it was trying to open it too soon (This changelog entry was already long.. Thought I'd have some fun making it ridiculous)
Dedmen - 01/26/2017
New Pre-release 195 196
Added diagnose report command (/tfar diag in Teamspeak chat) (have fun with all the data Grin)
Fixed Plugin wouldn't update own Nickname hash after changing name from gameJoined event. (Could cause you to not hear anybody or non working Radios) ¯\_(ツWink_/¯

This bug has been in there for a long time :x Only noticed it through the new diag command ^^
This is probably what was causing TFAR not to function till you reload the plugin

New Pre-release 197
Added Setting to disable Spectators hearing Friendly units

Dedmen - 02/03/2017
New Pre-release 204 (Sadly missed 200 because build fail :/ Every build between 198 and this was a fail Grin)
Performance Improvement for fnc_radiosList (What i mentioned above 400 Items 6.3ms -> 0.2ms) (Watch out for bugs.. Like not being able to use Radio if it is in backpack.. Didn't happen in my test but I'm sometimes blind)
Fixed fnc_setXXSpeakers functions never disabling Speaker variable (400 Items lag only happens for other players if they have speakers enabled. Cuz of this even disabling the Speakers wouldn't have helped)
Performance improvement in fnc_preparePositionCoordinates (Executed every frame up to 20 times)
Fixed Teamspeak crash if Radio soundfile not found
Fixed Arsenal didn't replace instanciated classnames with prototypes
Performance Improvements for synchronous Commands (TS_INFO, POS, IS_SPEAKING)
Added don't instanciate Radios while Arsenal is open

Dedmen - 02/06/2017
New Pre-release 206
Fixed ai_hearing not working for AI's spawned in Zeus while playing on a Remote Server.
Increased SHAMEM Max message size from 1020 to 2044
Fixed Sending duplicate Speakers if processPlayerPositions script is running too fast.(edited)
Dedmen - 02/10/2017
New Pre-release 208
Renamed SHAMEM error messages to not be confused with Pipe's
Fixed unable to set Additional SW Stereo setting
Fixed wording of auto long range radio Setting
pipe.dll and pipe_x64.dll are now static and Battleye compatible. Thanks to Armatec

Dedmen - 02/12/2017
New Pre-release 209
Fixed hearing yourself over your Speaker if sitting in an Intercom vehicle.

Dedmen - 02/14/2017
New "alpha"-Pre-releas-thingymabob 211
Added Relay Antenna system
Fixed not muting client if he joins into the seriousChannel
Fixed not muting clients other if reloading the plugin while inside seriousChannel

Only one antenna currently the vanilla Communication Tower class Land_Communication_F.
Or any object can be made an antenna via script
[_object,_rangeInMeters] call TFAR_antennas_fnc_initRadioTower
Comm tower currently has 50km range. Antenna's ignore terrain Interception for performance reasons. And the signal only ever travels from Radio to one tower to the next radio. Not over multipleTowers and no Satcom.

Dedmen - 02/25/2017
New Pre-release 212 213 214
Merged Antenna system into main branch
Fixed position error if inside a fast moving vehicle @armatec
Fixed client's not getting muted when joining into Serious channel after TFAR was activated
Optimized preparePositionCoorinates //a little bit commy2
Optimized processPlayerPositions //commy2

Known Bugs: Broken Intercom, Sometimes low signal quality as If you were kilometers apart when it's only a few 100m(edited)

Dedmen - 03/06/2017
New Pre-release 215
Fixed missing remote End sound
Fixed betaTracker script error
Added configurable tangentReleaseDelay (You can set delay between 0-500ms and when you release the radio send hotkey it still keeps transmitting for that time. For these people that always release the button too soon and the end of their transmission get's cut off)
Fixed Intercom broken
Fixed LR Speakers broken (_unitName != __unitName Grin)
Fixed Radio replacement happening too soon at respawn (@SpecOp0)
Dedmen - 03/06/2017
New Pre-release 216
Changed Antenna Object to a TFAR specific object instead of a vanilla Radio tower. You have to Place the TFAR communication Tower now instead of the Vanilla one if you want a Antenna

Known bugs: Duplicated Radios if added via linkItem. (

Dedmen - 03/12/2017
New Pre-release 217
Fixed duplicate Radios if added via linkItem script (
Fixed Radio sounds ignoring Radio's stereo setting (Not really ignoring. Just the muting code isn't working.. Hotfixed for now by trading performance. real fix sometime later)
Fixed small memory Leak in PlaybackWavProcessing
Resized all 4K textures to 2K (Please give feedback about texture quality if you notice any change. Would also like to see some direct Comparisons. Don't have time to do that myself currently)

Dedmen - Last Sunday at 5:36 PM
New Pre-release 218
Fixed fast moving Player's voice lagging behind. (requires TS plugin update)
Added Setting to configure Position update Interval(edited)

Dedmen - Last Sunday at 6:58 PM
New Pre-release 219
Fixed unable to Access Zeus with German keyboard layout and default LR Additonal hotkey ( (Default LR Additonal hotkey changed from Y to CTRL+T)
Fixed TFAR_SameLRFrequenciesForSide being ignored (

Dedmen - Last Sunday at 9:39 PM
New Pre-release 221
Fixed (or Added?) comma is now also accepted as seperator when entering a frequency (
Added prevent using SR/LR Radio when already transmitting on the other type. Fixes possible bug where you could transmit on both at the same time without knowing (That bug existed in 0.9.7 this is just a safety measure so it can never happen again)
Reworked Hotkey handling while pressing additonal modifiers (This fixes not being able to use a key without modifiers for LRTransmit) (

Result of the reworked hotkey handling is that you can enable Radios while pressing additonal Modifiers. Which was already possible before but was bugging out if LRTransmit had no modifiers. And it wasn't even able to call LRTransmit.
Now for example if you have LRTransmit bound to CTRL+CAPS it also triggers when pressing SHIFT+CTRL+CAPS for example when you are sprinting.
The key with the most Modifiers takes precedence. For example LRTransmit CTRL+CAPS and SWTransmit CTRL+ALT+CAPS. If you press CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+CAPS the Sw will trigger. because it has more required modifiers.
Redigerat av Dahlgren den 2017-03-21 09:51
Några kommentarer specifikt på dessa:


* Intercom i fordon
* Statiska radios i t.ex. basen
* Antenner och förstärkare

Det här är så enormt guld värt att det är svårt att hänga med på, slippa höra bollhavet mumla i Strf90 etc:


Added second intercom Channel that can be switched to using ACE Interaction menu. So crew doesn't have to listen to cargo people. By default everyone is in cargo channel

Detta ger en hel del roliga möjligheter med envägsradio för Zeus där man inte behöver bry sig så mycket om att få tillbaka info. Alternativt kan man slippa teleportera runt sig för att kunna tjuvlyssna på spelarna. Pfft


Added Relay Antenna system
Only one antenna currently the vanilla Communication Tower class Land_Communication_F.
Or any object can be made an antenna via script
[_object,_rangeInMeters] call TFAR_antennas_fnc_initRadioTower
Comm tower currently has 50km range. Antenna's ignore terrain Interception for performance reasons. And the signal only ever travels from Radio to one tower to the next radio. Not over multipleTowers and no Satcom.

Kan vi gå över till Dev build already? Grin Grin Grin Grin
Med dessa funktioner i TFAR känns det som att ACRE blir helt irrelevant.
Låter ju spännande att få testa alla dessa nya funktioner! När förväntas dessa funktioner komma till en stabil version?
Högantenn confirmed eller? I'm in Grin
Statiska radios, fine, men när kommer fälttelefonen egentligen???
När byter vi Shock
Detta låter väldigt intressant!
The only easy day was Yesterday.
För ditt land, Din hembygd, Ditt regemente
Från nuvarande huvudutvecklaren rörande nuvarande 1.0 dev och gamla 0.9,


Dedmen - Last Saturday at 2:29 PM
50 fps with 40GB of Mods on a Multiplayer Server
I feel for people that play with old TFAR versions and 20 fps


Stefan skrev:

När byter vi Shock
Blir lite fundersam på statiska radios, vill ju bara höra i basen, inte att pajasar med skräpig IGR ska få bättre signal från polaren 3km bort. Får nog testa oss till det.
Men kan dom släppa skiten snart eller kan vi byta till devbranch eller? Angry
låter schysst, men när får vi högantenn 2k i sfp?? är ju ett måste nu med antenner
matheez is never late nor is he early he arrives precisely when he means to
Högantenn 2/K finns sedan länge i SFP Objects. Ska titta på att lägga in stöd för TFAR men svårt garantera att det kommer fungera innan TFAR 1.0 är släppt då mycket fortfarande kan ändras för antennerna.


Dahlgren skrev:

Högantenn 2/K finns sedan länge i SFP Objects. Ska titta på att lägga in stöd för TFAR men svårt garantera att det kommer fungera innan TFAR 1.0 är släppt då mycket fortfarande kan ändras för antennerna.

dock ligger den nog i sfp objects, kanske flytta till sfp_task_force_radio.pbo ? och ha med i vanliga sfp.
Why not both? Grin
Nyare ändringar sen tråden skapades,

Dedmen - 02/25/2017
New Pre-release 212 213 214
Merged Antenna system into main branch
Fixed position error if inside a fast moving vehicle @armatec
Fixed client's not getting muted when joining into Serious channel after TFAR was activated
Optimized preparePositionCoorinates //a little bit commy2
Optimized processPlayerPositions //commy2

Known Bugs: Broken Intercom, Sometimes low signal quality as If you were kilometers apart when it's only a few 100m(edited)

Dedmen - 03/06/2017
New Pre-release 215
Fixed missing remote End sound
Fixed betaTracker script error
Added configurable tangentReleaseDelay (You can set delay between 0-500ms and when you release the radio send hotkey it still keeps transmitting for that time. For these people that always release the button too soon and the end of their transmission get's cut off)
Fixed Intercom broken
Fixed LR Speakers broken (_unitName != __unitName Grin)
Fixed Radio replacement happening too soon at respawn (@SpecOp0)
Dedmen - 03/06/2017
New Pre-release 216
Changed Antenna Object to a TFAR specific object instead of a vanilla Radio tower. You have to Place the TFAR communication Tower now instead of the Vanilla one if you want a Antenna

Known bugs: Duplicated Radios if added via linkItem. (

Dedmen - 03/12/2017
New Pre-release 217
Fixed duplicate Radios if added via linkItem script (
Fixed Radio sounds ignoring Radio's stereo setting (Not really ignoring. Just the muting code isn't working.. Hotfixed for now by trading performance. real fix sometime later)
Fixed small memory Leak in PlaybackWavProcessing
Resized all 4K textures to 2K (Please give feedback about texture quality if you notice any change. Would also like to see some direct Comparisons. Don't have time to do that myself currently)

Dedmen - Last Sunday at 5:36 PM
New Pre-release 218
Fixed fast moving Player's voice lagging behind. (requires TS plugin update)
Added Setting to configure Position update Interval(edited)

Dedmen - Last Sunday at 6:58 PM
New Pre-release 219
Fixed unable to Access Zeus with German keyboard layout and default LR Additonal hotkey ( (Default LR Additonal hotkey changed from Y to CTRL+T)
Fixed TFAR_SameLRFrequenciesForSide being ignored (

Dedmen - Last Sunday at 9:39 PM
New Pre-release 221
Fixed (or Added?) comma is now also accepted as seperator when entering a frequency (
Added prevent using SR/LR Radio when already transmitting on the other type. Fixes possible bug where you could transmit on both at the same time without knowing (That bug existed in 0.9.7 this is just a safety measure so it can never happen again)
Reworked Hotkey handling while pressing additonal modifiers (This fixes not being able to use a key without modifiers for LRTransmit) (

Result of the reworked hotkey handling is that you can enable Radios while pressing additonal Modifiers. Which was already possible before but was bugging out if LRTransmit had no modifiers. And it wasn't even able to call LRTransmit.
Now for example if you have LRTransmit bound to CTRL+CAPS it also triggers when pressing SHIFT+CTRL+CAPS for example when you are sprinting.
The key with the most Modifiers takes precedence. For example LRTransmit CTRL+CAPS and SWTransmit CTRL+ALT+CAPS. If you press CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+CAPS the Sw will trigger. because it has more required modifiers.
September 17, 2017
New Pre-release 260
Fix loosing SR radio when switching active radio with full inventoy (#1310)
Fixed leaving spectator doesn't disable spectator mode
Replaced compiletime stringhash algo (Should fix the HASH mismatch messages that caused the "Cannot hear someone bug" and that were still happening)
September 24, 2017
New Pre-release 262
Fixed invalid serverDataDir hash when switching channel (Should finally fix HASH mismatch)
Fixed updating Teamspeak channelNameCache for every channel when joining server (Makes joining Teamspeak servers alot faster)
Possible fix for ai_hearing trying to remoteExec to null (Maybe fix for A null object passed as a target to RemoteExec(Call) 'reveal' RPT messages)
October 8, 2017
New Pre-release 263
Added ACE support:
Open Radio UI via self-interaction
Lower/Raise Headset via self-interaction
SR/LR Additional keys now no longer block Vanilla keybinds.
October 9, 2017
New Pre-release 264
Fixed broken hotkeys of 263.