Operation Arc Light - Wolfpack
It’s been 2 days since our spearhead force took control over Chernarus Airport. We’ve still facing large enemy forces trying to take it back, but thanks to CAS and artillery-support we’ve been able to beat them back every time. However, intel has been pouring in from our scouts and from the local resistance-force. Chernarus president Bojan Stankic flew to Moscow last night and are right now meeting with Putin. According to our sources Bojan are asking Putin for assistance on hindering EU and US forces from take complete control over Chernarus. What Putin will respond to this request, we have no idea.
USS Virginia is closing on the shore and are about to send in 4 teams of Navy SEALs. At the same time, we have 3 teams of 10th Special Forces Group here at base and are preparing to send them out too. And the mission? Destroy enemy supply-depos, kill enemy officers and collect intel documents over what “Project Hammer” and “Project Spear” is.
Missions Obejctives:
- Destroy Enemy Fuel Depo
- Destroy Enemy Ammo Depo
- Destroy Enemy Repair Depo
- Kill Army Officer
- Kill Air Force Officer
- Collect intel (Hammer)
- Collect intel (Spear)
Main Repo - ftp://repo.jtf16....autoconfig
RHS - ftp://repo.jtf16....autoconfig
JTF16 Maps - ftp://repo.jtf16....autoconfig
Arma 3 Server:
Password: tavla
Team Leader
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Machine Gunner
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