Hosted by Gruppe Adler
Downed pilot (Blufor) must be rescued from the jungle (PKL) by either Opfor or Blufor. He is wounded and wont survive longer than 90 minutes without treatment, which can be given by both sides. Poor guy has no gun, no map, no NVG. Only 6 signal flares and the ability to build fires and drop notes. Opfor can track his blood trail from the crash site or rely on a tracking device to detect him in close range whereas Blufor has a helicopter with search light. Both sides win as soon as they film him for a specified amount of time for propaganda purposes at predefined places. If the downed pilot dies battle continues to capture + film his body to ensure an action packed endgame. Start time is night but dawn will arrive after a while.
pw: helium
@ace3 @ace3_compat_rhs_afrf3 @ace3_compat_rhs_gref3 @ace3_compat_rhs_usf3 @ace3_nouniformrestrictions @acex_a3 @cba_a3 @cup_terrains_core @cup_terrains_maps @grad_slinghelmet @grad_trenches @gruppe_adler_additionals @gruppe_adler_mod @gruppe_adler_sthud @jbad @prei_khmaoch_luong @rds_civpack @rhs_afrf3 @rhs_gref @rhs_saf @rhs_usf3 @splendid_smoke @task_force_radio_dev |
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MG Gunner
Fireteam Lead
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MG Gunner
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Operationen har redan varit |
Anti Tank
Operationen har redan varit |