Cuban forces have occupied a Caribbean island group near the shipping lane leading into the Panama Canal. Failing to get the Security Council of the United Nations to act the United States Congress has decided that the Cuban threat to shipping through the canal is too great, and that an invasion of the islands is necessary.
Scenario type: Post-Cold War, COOP, two missions, BIS wave respawn
Map: Pulau
Medical system: ACE Advanced w/ Splint, no revive
Missions - links to briefing.sqf on Google Drive
Mission 1: Amphibious assault in order to capture a beachhead at an airfield.
Mission 2: Assault against the sole remaining Cuban stronghold.
Enemy Forces: Cuban motorized and mechanized infantry with equipment from the late Cold War.
The battle plan for mission 1 can be found here
The battle plan for mission 2 can be found here
@ace3 @ace3_particles @acex_a3 @cba_a3 @cup_terrains_core @cup_terrains_maps @cup_units @cup_vehicles @cup_vehicles_ace_compat @cup_weapons @cup_weapons_ace_compat @diwako_dui @jsrs-soundmod @jsrs-soundmod-cup-vehicles @jsrs-soundmod-cup-weapons @pulau @sweet_markers @task_force_radio_dev @trubb_utilities |
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2IC 1 / Platoon Leader 2 | Ruthless
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Platoon Medic | Ruthless
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Operationen har redan varit |
Operationen har redan varit |
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